Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Days

From one ending comes another beginning.

My trusty Dell died yesterday. It was quite sad... I lost a lot of pictures, files, etc. I had planned my wedding on that computer, started my photography business, and learned how to use photoshop! Never the less, Dells were not intended to last forever and mine contracted a nasty virus that even wiping the hard drive didn't fix :( So. My wonderful husband bought me a MacBook Pro :) I love it.

So, in a bad situation a good thing may arrive.

Now, to apply this principle to my stressed out life. Haha.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Whenever I've had a bad day or I'm extremely tired it's like a switch flips in my head and all I can think is "I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home." But I'm sitting on my couch in my "home". So why do I still have this yearning for "home"?

Not feeling so hot today... God's plans are running on an entirely different schedule than mine and while I know His timing is perfect, patience has never been my strong suit.

On a (maybe not so) unrelated note, I was listening to an interview on the radio today and the person was talking about how hard it is to deal with the death of a dream. I think that when dealing with death, in any form, you must allow yourself to grieve in order to move on. If you don't allow yourself to do so eventually the grief will eventually express itself in other ways...

It's been an interesting day.