Saturday, August 20, 2011

Band Camp!

Today is the last day of band camp! What a week it has been too! We've learned all of the pre-game drill and memorized all the music for it. We've also began learning our half time drill and we've memorized through the middle of "spiderman". The weather has been gorgeous this week and this morning is no different. We're finishing up our last field rehearsal of band camp in only moderate heat ;)
Last night was the annual band luau and we all had a blast. Winners of the men's belly flop and women's cannonball contest were impressive to say the least! Lots of food and swimming later and we're all back at the field ready to finish strong! Make sure to become a fan of our Facebook page to check out all the pictures from the week!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Disney Name Tag Countdown

I just discovered this and I am SO excited! I may not actually be going when this says I am but a Disney name tag with my name on it and a countdown?! So cool!