First of all. No, I am not pregnant.
Second of all. No, we are not currently trying.
Okay, now that's out of the way. If we did get pregnant you had better believe that child would be our everything. We would be happy and we would love that baby and we would work as hard as humanly possibly to give that child the world. In fact, I believe that is what most parents would do. Most sane, fully functioning, loving, normal parents. However, it seems that there are a plethora of people that do not fit that description and yet have children. Children that do not have the benefit of someone that loves them to the moon and back. I think that is the saddest thing on the face of this planet. And that, my friends, is why I am going to be a social worker. Because there are people out there that would love a child to the moon and back fifty times and they are looking for that child. And I am going to help them find that child. And if for some reason there is a child that I cannot find the family he or she is supposed to be with. Then by goodness I am going to do my best to at least show that sweet innocent child that even though it doesn't seem like it, there is good in this world. There are people out there with love that overflows, there are times when your heart is so happy it feels like your flying and there is a reason to keep going. There are people out there who need them. They just don't know it yet, but when they find them it will be worth every step they took to get there.
So that's where I'm at on Day 1 of this "365" journey. Passionate, a little irate... and unfortunately without an outlet to help. (P.S. The only social work job within an hour driving distance was taken off the job website today. Sadness abounds.)
But there's good news. Tomorrow is a new day (and I don't have to go to work til noon!) :) I will leave you with a quote I found today...
Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do i t. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -Howard ThurmanNow go live.