It amazes me how much things change in life. This time last year I was completely involved in my upcoming wedding and could barely focus on school or anything else in my life. I had a job waiting for me when we got back from our honeymoon and I was excited for it. Fast forward to today and I am stressing out about finals and graduation while looking forward to a much needed beach weekend for our one year anniversary. Where does the time go?
It seems strange to me that I'm graduating college. That I'm married. That I have a salaried job. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think "Who is that?" I'll be 23 next week. 23 seems iconic to me for some reason. Or maybe every new age seems that way. Like a new adventure waiting to be embarked on. 22 seemed full of romance and growing up, getting married, being an adult. Now, looking back, 22 seems so young, so naive. I'm sure when 24 rolls around 23 will seem young too. My Dad turned 50 a couple weeks ago. I wonder what it's like to be 50 and look back on all that life. Yet, his question was similar to mine, "Where did the last 30 years go?". I guess no one really knows where the time goes, and it doesn't seem to be any different from 23 to 50.